Claudia González, Psy.D.

My story
I grew up In Cuba, the single Communist country in the Caribbean, ruled by the same government for almost 60 years. Cuba’s national hero, “the apostle,” is José Martí. His most quoted statement is “I have lived in the monster, and I know its entrails,” referring to his period of political exile in the United States. As Martí, I can also say that I have lived in the monster, but that I love its entrails. My new home gave me a voice. It taught me the meaning of freedom of speech, religion, and choice. During my acculturation process, I learned to navigate through both cultures. I assimilated the new values while staying true to my island, the place where it is summer all year long, resilience is the motto, and the people use humor to cope. I dance to the Latin beat and work in a New York minute. My bilingual and multicultural self has contributed to the development of my professional identity and remains an asset in the therapy room.
Dr. González is an island girl who dared to dream big. She is a Clinical Psychologist in the state of Georgia, owner and founder of Goal Mentality, a group private practice focused both on client care and teaching the next generation of therapists.
Dr. G. has extensive experience working with immigrants, LGBTQ+, and diverse populations who often face challenges related to minority identity stress and adjustment to different cultures. As a native Spanish speaker, and an immigrant herself, she has sought out expertise in bilingual and culturally responsive mental health. She is passionate about helping other strong Latina women take the necessary steps to succeed in relationships and life in the US (the struggle is real). After becoming a mother, she gained interest in helping other working mothers who feel overwhelmed with the load of multiple roles between career and family feel nurtured, cared for, and at peace.
Dr. G. draws from contemporary psychodynamic theory and evidenced-based treatments to inform her work with clients. She earned her bachelor’s in psychology from University of Havana, Cuba and her Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) degree from Albizu University, Miami campus. She completed her internship and postdoctoral trainings at Harvard Medical School teaching hospitals.
Yup, she is a high-achiever and she knows the pain.