Let’s face it. Motherhood is hard. You have a thousand expectations, responsibilities, and never-ending chores. All of a sudden, you can’t help but sob when you are doing laundry. Your new baseline is overwhelmed and tired. How are you supposed to have a career, be independent, have an Instagram-looking house, go on date nights, and have a perfectly behaved child? Well, you can’t.
I am here to tell you that as challenging as becoming a new parent is, it does not mean that you have to live in a constant state of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety. In therapy, we will go into full problem-solving mode to tackle your main sources of stress, help you find peace with your new life, maternal identity, and restore a sense of balance that will allow you to feel like yourself again.
Hi, nice to meet you. I am Dr. González. After having my baby, I realized how much nurturing new mothers need and how little space exists in society to talk about the not-so-blissful moments of having a child. I chose to focus my clinical practice on maternal mental health, and I love helping overwhelmed and stressed-out new and expecting parents navigate the challenges of the perinatal period (from conception to the first year of the baby’s life).